ChandelierØ13 - LocHal

As from this weekend until the end of 2021, the world’s largest circular chandelier, is displayed in Tilburg, The Netherlands, in the LocHal – World Building of the Year. A 32 square meter construction is the basis for ChandelierØ13 with 169 (13×13) lamps that are made of 10,000 recycled PET bottles. The main purpose is to increase people’s awareness that, by looking differently at things, you can create something beautiful from something negative: litter on the streets of Tilburg. In other words, from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. Nederlandse versie>

ChandelierØ13: the story

ChandelierØ13 is the world’s largest circular chandelier consisting of 169 (13×13) PET lamps of 100% recycled materials from old (without deposit) PET bottles and it has a frame of 6 x 6 meters as part of the construction.
The majority of the recycled PET bottles have been collected in the streets of Tilburg, the Netherlands, through inhabitants participating in a local initiative to reduce litter in public areas.
ChandelierØ13 is presented to the public on September 18, 2021 – on World Cleanup Day – and will be exhibited in the LocHal (a former train revision area that has recently been transformed into a multifunctional community building with a library, restaurants, meeting places etc.).
The ambition of the world’s largest circular chandelier is to inspire people that by thinking differently, one can change something negative, pollution on the streets, into something beautiful: the chandelier.

Producing the PET lamps for ChandelierØ13 is unique and largely manual in nature. A video illustrating the process was developed by Hornbach and you will also get acquainted with the entrepreneur behind ChandelierØ13: Rolph Adriaansen, who tells about his vanPETnaarPRET journey, vision and drive to make this project a success.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How many PET bottles are there in the chandelier? 
In total about 10,000 bottles. The number can differ per lamp between 35 and 75 bottles depending on thickness and size. 

2) Will the project stop because there is now a deposit on bottles?
No, we still have 200,000 in stock to make chandeliers or fun. 
We also started looking for other PET packaging to make a chandelier. We now do this from non-recyclable grape containers to operating room plastic packaging.

3) Are the lamps for sale?
Yes, the lamps are for sale as a chandelier with at least 3 lamps. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

4) Why is the Chandelier only hanging in LocHal until December 31? The ambition is for the ChandelierØ13 is to travel as a circular statement piece to tell as many people as possible. Who knows, he might stay longer 😉 

5) Do the colors of the lamps come through the caps?
No, the bulbs are 100% made from PET bottles (PET), without any addition of color or other raw materials. The cap is a different kind of plastic.

ChandelierØ13: 'Wall of Support'

The ChandelierØ13 project started in May 2019 by collecting PET bottles in the streets of Tilburg in an effort to make the city cleaner. Not only did this result in a huge pile of empty bottles, it also resulted in a wide variety of organizations and companies that have become a partner in the program. Please see our “Wall of Support” – for your contribution, please drop us a not